Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Listening Keys

Okee,, this time we will tell about the key to make listening more easier

So, know we want to share tips to enjoying the Listening materials.
In this posting I wiil share it.
In this website have a lot of things.
I will little bit explain about the website.

In this website have,  two general materials. Both of them are Activities to improve listening and Skill to better listening.
In Activities to improve listening it is exlain about, there are many kinds of listening. It is important to expose yourself to these various kinds of listening because you can familiarise yourself with different vocabulary, speed, accents, pronunciation and even grammar structures in different contexts, and
in skill to better listening it is explain about how you to be good listener with prediction what will we listen and what we will learn.

So, thats all about the explanation your can apon the website and read by your self.

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